This page is in english so most people can understand it.
Im danish my self so there is a possibility for some spelling errors alog the way.

enjoy the blog

Sunday, March 21, 2010

YES more butterflies

Make this beautiful butterfly in about 5 minutes from any small scrap of old wrapping paper newspaper or a colorfull magasine. This project is perfect if you are making your own greetings cards or just want to decorate your room with something pretty. 
Make it out of brown paper to make a moth and tie it off with parcel string. Or of course you could design and colour in your own using plain paper and felt tipped pens.

When you've finished making the wings and spread them out, you can customise your butterfly as much as you want. You could wrap a small piece of pipe cleaner round the middle on the body to make a head, abdomen and thorax of the butterfly, or blob glue gun glue on the body and color it with marker, of stick beads or sequins on to give the appearance of those beautifully iridescent butterfly scales.

folded paper spangled black butterfly 
folded paper green butterfly 

I tried making a foto tutorial for you... hope it helps

i printed out some fabric patterns i found on google

make one 8 cm square and one 6 cm circle...

fold back and forth about 0.5 cm til you get the look below

Use a pibe cleaner as body

Origami rose

look here ... an easy origami folded rose

here you can find instruktions on how to make them

here is my rose... used small clambs to hold it together

Dekorative mini jars for your small things

If you have any mini jars from Jelly or honney, you can use the for the small items, like safety pins or buttons

here is a tutorial for the nice deko.

unique buttons from recycling

I found these really cool buttons on a blog ...
she uses premade plastic rings... but why not use that ekstra ring on 1½ & ½ soda bottles know the one that holds the capsule/cap.

here is a tutorial for the buttons

Thursday, March 18, 2010


i tryed using just a plain piece of flat plastinc (anything can be used as long as its soft enough to cut with sissors or a scalpel) i base coated it black and painted it after a butterfly called Purple Spotted Swallowtail.  back side i had to use my imagination.

colors used are roleplaying game miniature colors available in gaming stores.

front side

back side

my facebook

ohh nooo my facebook acc has been deactivated ... they says ive been impersonating someone else ..which i havent..soo now im just sooooo sad... i wrote them an email ...with alot of begging and apologies so now wating to find out if my life is over. i sent real cash on two games on facebook fish wrangler and warstorm and it will all be gone if i have to start over.

ill write about the progress of the situation later

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Recycle butterflies

I found this little tip on google and i just love it ....

tutorial here:

find a  butterfly on google pictures ...transfer it with a cd marker onto a plastic bottle can be cocacola but use the bottles that are soft on the plastic. Cut out the shape.... where the wing and body of the butterfly meet you bend the plastic.

i decorated with glimmer glue and glaspainting
used pearls and wire as body
i put up some butterflies you can use


Greenland beads

I do beads aswell :) i do the old greenland bead motifs, you can see examples of some on me picasa page.
Patterns are in danish.

find more patterns here

The beads are very small

here is an example

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010

Galaxy bag

I made this galaxy backpack bag with something caled galaxy stitches

here u can see the stitches up close

I found the stitch on YouTube by teresa

Nephew Anders

I was in jutland to visit Christian family and his sister just had this little guy Anders. Absolutly inlove whit this little thing i start making things for him like this little sweater and hood, what i didnt take into considderration was that he grows fast...and i meen VERY fast , so the picture you see here is the only time he ever had it on.

crafted box for my crochet hooks

I got this idea from picasa i saw a tutorial where a woman had used a feta cheese plastic container with a lid. I tried to find the tutorial but its gone. I used a icecream container because i wanted it to be used for my crochet hooks.

I used two lids, one as the top lid and one cut out to form the bottom inside.
I made rings with a marker on the bottom off the "can" to find out how to crochet it.
like this and used it as a template...did the same for the inde of the top lid


i didnt crochet inside exept for the top, i covered the inside with some fabric and i glued som fabric on the ekstra lic that i cut out to fit the bottom. 


this is how it looks inside



on the outside top i put some stuffing under the fabric to use for needles and such. and the i decorated it abit :)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Easy bear

Tiny Teddy
I was browsing through the Good Housekeeping site and came across a pattern for a tiny 19 cm high teddy. V. cute and really easy.

1. Enlarge the below pattern by 400% on a photocopier.

2. Cut out two teddy-shapes from fabric. Pin and stitch together around stitching line, leaving a gap in side of one leg for turning through. Work a second row of stitching so they don't fall apart too quickly.

3. Trim the seam allowances to 3mm and cut out a triangle up to the stitching at all the corners. Turn right side out. Fill with polyester toy stuffing and sew up the gap in the leg. Using black thread, work a few straight stitches for eyes and nose where marked. Tie a narrow ribbon around its neck and stitch securely in place.

Wonder what teddy would look like in Thai silk or in Shanghai Tang-style fabric.

The Unseen University

Christian and i thought we would make a landscape like D&D or warhammer but im no good at those tiny figurines i like papercraft better and i made these buildings named the unseen university. Still missing a few buildings.

I printed them out from a pdf file where its all in A4 format.
the file is 46 Mb so very large but its really cool
Here it is The Unseen University


Ive put up some cross stich patterns on Picasa you can find them HERE

Daily life

I wont type in this every day ... but today i got my blog up and running with some of my hobby things. there will be alot more to come. Why do i share things with you? well i dont thing one person should sit on all the wonderfull things in the world so what i have here is yours too craft, knit crochet, sew and so on. Alltho there might be copyright on some things so plz dont re-sell any patterns there might be postet here.

Ive been working on my stamp collection the last few days and i really want to do more but most of the stamps are hidden away in the basement because christian and i only live on 29m2 so not alot of space.

The creative side of me

Here is some of the paintings ive made ... as you can see my love for flowers shines through here aswell

Stitches made

I allso love to crossstitch, havent made so many things yet because it takes alot longer to get a finnished product. but flowers and butterflies and natur is my favorite things to sew. here is some exsamples ive done.

Usefull teabags for the folders

I have here a collection of teabags scanned and ready to print
you can find them on my Picasa page

Things i made

I love to chrochet and i made some things that id like to share with you.
most of it is just pictures for now.

Chihuahua, made for my very gay friend..he named it king LOL.

Toy i made for a baby inside i put a cat toy


more toys

small handbags

 Baby hats